Job title: ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER / INTERIOR DESIGNER Company: PT. MAJUPERKASA INDONESIA Job description: /Desain Interior field have been opened and published up to the specified time. Job Responsibility ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER… Proficient in Microsoft Office, Autocad, Photoshop Proficient in ...

BIM Architect Drafter

Job title: BIM Architect Drafter Company: PT Meinhardt Indonesia Job description: . Job Vacancies in this Arsitek/Desain Interior field have been opened and published up to the specified time. Job Responsibility BIM… Architect Drafter: Create and manage 3D BIM models and construction documenta...

Guru Multimedia

Job title: Guru Multimedia Company: PT Lifelong Learning Job description: pengayaan Kualifikasi: * Minimal S1 Jurusan Pendidikan Multimedia, Ilmu Komputer, Desain Grafis atau sejenisnya Memiliki… interkatif dan desain grafis percetakan Memiliki dedikasi yang tinggi dan menjunjung etika sebagai...

Multimedia Design

Job title: Multimedia Design Company: PT Duta Paramindo Sejahtera Job description: : – Usia Max 30 Tahun. – Pendidikan terakhir Min D3 Semua Jurusan – Memiliki Pengalaman Sebagai Desain Grafis Min 3 Tahun… this Seni / Desain Kreatif field have been opened and published up to ...